Chronicles of Dolzilla

Friday, December 01, 2006

Six days, a long plane trip and then "Dad?"

The Zilla has six days until he travels to Ethiopia to pick up his daughter Ella Mesay, accompanied, of course, by the lovely Julia. He has been scurrying around the house doing the last minute projects (painting the bathroom, putting a door in at the top of the stairs, finishing the trim), steeling himself for the emotional experience of the third world and fatherhood, and panicking.

He is now going to drop the pretension of writing in the third person.

To bring you up to speed, the move to Wisconsin was completed in July. Like all moving experiences, it was a pain. The "Job Search" didn't bear fruit, so I've been subbing at some of the local schools. I work almost everyday in November, but the pay is pretty poor. But, besides the boredom, it is fascinating. At least I am learning a lot about the other grades and assignments. I did a two week stint as a sixth grade Home-Ec teacher. We did a sewing project. It was fun and the kids came out with a locker organizer, 10 fingers and no extra holes in the body. Kindergarten, which I've done a couple of times, is the most interesting. I didn't know they were such little fibbers. By omission most times, but there is usually some sort of scam afoot.

I also was the Tech Director and Assistant on the Menomonie High play. It was nice to make a little money there, but it was weird being second fiddle and the cast not being "my kids." I am really glad that I had a good director. If he wouldn't have had a clueless, it would have been hard. I was in the Menomonie Theater Guild's production of "Brighton Beach Memoirs." That was a lot of fun. It had been five years? Since I'd been on stage. Well, I had a cameo in the BG musical, but besides that. I thought the play came out really well. It was fun and I feel good about my part in it.

Back to the adoption. What a ride. I'm getting over the panic part of it and starting to get really excited. There are a lot of things to get done around the house . . . Why am I writing in the blog then . . . But they'll get done. I mostly worried about the packing. We have a lot of donations, but we have to pack for a child, but we don't have her baggage allotment on the trip out. We are flying business class, oh, yeah, expensive, but I feel it will worth it. I am concerned about being rested and able to take it all in. Plus, I am somebody and I do deserve a 'snooty' trip.

I should get back to work. I plan on updating the blog at least while on the trip, if not before then. So please check back. If any of you know how to post pics on one of these, please let me know. I'm too lazy to look up the information myself.

Oh, an interesting video on YouTube "Addisin4:30" . . . a car trip around Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, and where we are going. We are also taking a day trip to Hosanna, to see the birth family, hopefully. I am taking a video camera and Julia has her digi. So maybe you can live vicariously through us.


Blogger Sharlene said...

Good luck and we are all excited for you. The girls are so pumped to have another cousin. We definitely are in the next "group" of grandkids. Kimmy seems to have broken open a flood gate. She thinks it is sooooo cool to the oldest of the pack. Take care. All our love to all three of you. Want to send a gift.... love to shop for little girls. Let us know size and needs. We love you!!!!

1:26 PM  

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